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CodeIgniter Framework translations

Language translations for CodeIgniter PHP Framework

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CodeIgniter Framework translations

CodeIgniter version License Transifex English (Source lang) Spanish translation


Language translations for CodeIgniter Framework 2, powered by Transifex Platform.




You just need to set your language in application/config/config.php.

This translations uses ISO 639-1 code namming standard for languages. So, for example, you must to use 'es' instead of 'spanish':


# . . .

| Default Language
| This determines which set of language files should be used. Make sure
| there is an available translation if you intend to use something other
| than english.
$config['language'] = 'es';

# . . .


You can help with translations by requesting a new language (or ask for joining to) at

Note: You will need a Transifex account (free).